That, given that, after nine years of this Liberal Prime Minister,(i) monthly rent and mortgages payments have doubled,(ii) the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) finds that Canada has the most unaffordable housing market in the G7, and the second most unaffordable in the entire OECD,(iii) Habitat for Humanity finds that almost one-third of Canadian millennials would consider relocating to another country to find affordable housing,(iv) the PBO says that chronic homelessness is up by 38% across Canada since 2018 despite Liberal promises to eliminate it by 2030,in order to save Canadian homebuyers up to $50,000 or $2,500 per year in mortgage payments, the House call on the Liberal government to immediately eliminate the federal sales tax (GST) on new homes sold under $1 million and call on the provincial premiers to match this proposal.